
USA: a terrorista helyett a fegyvertartók hibáztatása

Ez egy gyönyörű történet ismét a kormányzati fegyverellenes médiamanipulációról: az orlandói melegbárban mészárló IS terrorista kapcsán az amerikai elnök és a demokrata elnökjelölt is a fegyvertartási jogokat támadja, és mindenféle újabb szigorításokat akar bevezetni.
Természetesen a hatóságokat nem hibáztatják és a radikális iszlámot sem, sőt, az erre utaló FBI hangfelvételt is meghamisítva tárták a közvélemény elé elsőként.

Ehhez képes a sajtóban megjelentek alapján az elkövető előéletéről elég érdekes dolgok derültek ki (forrásmegjelölések a linkelt cikkben), melyek számos esetben a hatóságok tudomására is jutottak:


“11 Sep 2001 — Mateen celebrated the terrorist attacks that day, claiming that Osama bin Laden was his uncle. “We joked that he’d become a terrorist. And then he did.”


Spring 2007 — Mateen erupted when his hamburger touched a piece of pork….Mateen told his classmates not to laugh at him because this was serious and “was going to come back and shoot us,” she said.


August 2007 — …authorities … escorted him off [police academy] property. An official told cadets Mateen had threatened to bring a gun on campus.


August 2007 — Mateen threatened to carry out a similar massacre [to the VA Tech massacre] at the police academy….


May 2013 — Mateen first came to the FBI’s attention in May 2013, after making a series of “boasts” to co-workers about his various ties to terrorist groups.


May 2014 — Mateen is back in the FBI spotlight when one of the members of his mosque became a suicide bomber. This mosque has just 130 members. Two of them committed terror attacks.


Mateen’s pal Moner Mohammad Abusalha commited a suicide bombing in an Aleppo, Syria restaurant.


? 2014 — an informant told the FBI that Mateen had mentioned watching videos by Anwar al-Awlaki….


April 2016 — Disney security officials told the FBI they believe Mateen visited Disney World on April 26….


May 2016 — [A] gun shop owner says they immediately alerted the FBI about the suspicious man …. But the feds never followed up….”